nano skiff plans
Marsh hen micro skiff, 15′ flats boat. marsh hen micro skiff – simple, stable, stealthy, and smooth handling. this 15′ flats boat out performs all others in her class, this hull design maximizes comfort and fishability for anglers. the marsh hen has traveled the country hunting for fish on the flats, she is an incredibly versatile skiff!. The nano 13 is every bit as serious a fishing machine as any top skiff on the market. being highly specialized is not a liability – if you judge a 1-weight bamboo fly rod by it’s ability to catch a giant trevally, you are fundamentally missing the beauty of the that fine rod’s intended purpose.. This is the nicest skiff and the attention to detail second to none. thanks to bobby and the whole family for making this a pleasure and not a job. read more. evan sanders. 2018-01-21t13:27:50+0000. absolutely the best place to get a custom flats boat built!!!! bobby will help you every step of the process!!.
nano skiff plans The hcraft is a relative newcomer that has taken the fit & finish of a premium skiff builder to the micro skiff trend. the hcraft skiff’s hull is based from the old pelican ambush molds but with modern improvements and fit & finish that you’d expect from a $60,000 boat builder.. €