cat boat plans
The boats also differ from a cape-style cat in the pronounced rake of stem and transom. the plan shows a traditional gaff rig, somewhat high-peaked, with a boom that overhangs the transom slightly. the sail area is roughly 130 sq ft—more than ample to deal with the often light breezes of maine and provide spirited performance when the wind. Home > boat plans & kits > plans by designer > andrew walters > catboat plans - strip plank version : pdf plans - instant download imperial . our price: $ 30.00. qty: description strip plank catboat line drawing study plan. the catboat. in the winter of 2012 a very good friend leant me an old copy of nautical quarterly.. Tiny cat. introduction; the spars the stem and rudder the centre board the rudder and tiller; introduction tiny cat, which was named bobcat by bolger, and which is nicely described in "boats with an open mind", is a 12'3" by 6' cat boat weighing about 250 pounds (about 114 kg) with 110 sq. ft. of sail mounted on a 15'4" mast..
cat boat plans Tri trainer - 10' 10" flat-bottom sailing skiff: tina - 11' flat-bottom catboat: nina - 11' 4" flat-bottom catboat: snow baby - 11' 5" frostbite dinghy: little peter - 12' 2" rowing and sailing punt: pocahontas - 12' 7" lapstrake leeboard sloop: skimmer - 13' 2 1/2" sailing board: alone - 13' 6" lug-rigged flat-bottom camping skiff: willy winship - 13' 9" flat-bottom racing skiff. €